2019年3月18日 星期一

Notepad++ v7.6.4 文書編輯器

Notepad++ 是一款開放源碼的文字編輯器。
懶得寫介紹 (其實是不會寫),直接複製貼上官網的原文:


關於 Notepad++

Notepad++ 是在微軟視窗環境之下的一個免費的代碼編輯器。
為了產生小巧且有效率的代碼編輯器,這個在 GPL 許可證下的自由軟體開發專案採用 win32 api STL C++ 程式語言撰寫成,並且選用功能強大的編輯模組 Scintilla
藉由加強與優化許多函數及演算法,Notepad++ 致力於減少世界二氧化碳的排放。當使用較少的 CPU 功率,降低電腦系統能源消耗,Notepad++ 間接造就了綠化的環境。多虧它的輕巧與執行效率,Notepad++ 可完美地取代微軟視窗的記事本。
這個軟體開發專案已臻於成熟階段,然而目前只有一個人從事軟體開發與維護的工作,瑕疵是無法避免的。 如果你有任何關於 Notepad++ 的建議,歡迎來信與我聯繫,但我不保證你的提議一定會被採用。
希望你使用 Notepad++ 就像我開發它一樣充滿樂趣。


Download Notepad++ 7.6.4

Release Date: 2019-03-06

Download 32-bit x86

Download 64-bit x64

Download Notepad++ source code of current version and/or check sha-256/sha1/md5 digests for binary packages on GitHub

Notepad++ v7.6.4 new features and bug-fixes

  1. Add Markdown in zip packages and fix Markdown not working in installer package of v7.6.3.
  2. Switch from certificate verification to hashes verification due to "Notepad++" is rejected by certification authority.
  3. Enhance User Defined Language System for supporting more than one UDL file. Here is new behaviour.
  4. Add "Remove Consecutive Duplicate Lines" feature to remove duplicate consecutive lines from whole document.
  5. Add new shortcut "shift + scroll" for horizontal scrolling.
  6. Add Stack Overflow as search engine.
  7. Add the capacity to rename non-existing document's tab.
  8. Fixed file open hang issue in old style mode.
  9. Fix "Find in files" tab translation issue on initial dialog call.
  10. Fixed macro playback junk characters display issue on Find dialog.
  11. Ensure each recorded command is playable before playing to avoid exploit in hacking. (EURO-FOSSA)
  12. Enhance "Search on Internet" command to avoid command hijacked. (EURO-FOSSA)
  13. Fix buffer overrun in Print dialog. (EURO-FOSSA)
  14. Load nppPluginList.dll as resource instead of binary for the sake of security. (EURO-FOSSA)
  15. Check Updater's integrity before its each launch to prevent from hijacking. (EURO-FOSSA)
  16. Fix stack buffer overflow in WordStyle dialog. (EURO-FOSSA)
  17. Fix stack buffer overflow issue on User Define Language dialog. (EURO-FOSSA)
  18. Prevent eventual DLL hijacking while loading plugins. (EURO-FOSSA)


