2019年3月17日 星期日

Rainlendar 2.14.3 BETA build 159 (最新測試版) 發布

名稱:Rainlendar2 BETA

版本:Version 2.14.3 (b159) Build on 16 Mar 2019


Windows (64-bit): Rainlendar-2.14.3.b159-64bit.zip

其它作業系統請至此下載:Rainlendar 2.14.3 BETA build 159

Newest Shadow4 skin addon: Shadow4-Widgets.r2skin-addon (http://www.rainlendar.net/download/Shadow4-Widgets.r2skin-addon)

最新正式發行版請看此篇:Rainlendar 2.x 最新正式發行版

# 這只是 BETA 版!它尚處於測試、除錯階段。

官方建議的安裝方式:(For Windows)

1. 先備份您的設定及資料 (在"管理"對話框中點選 檔案->備份)

2. 關閉 Rainlendar2,下載合適的 zip 檔

3. 解壓縮 zip 檔,並以其內容覆蓋您原有的 Rainlendar2 安裝

  (例:C:\Program Files\Rainlendar2)

4. 視需要下載並安裝 Visual Studio 2017 runtime :

5. 重新執行 Rainlendar2.exe

本版更新及修正 : (藍色字僅是個人認為重要的增修)

o Updated openssl and curl libraries
o It was not possible to edit iCloud events which were created from Rainlendar.
o Exceptions in Google events were not parsed correctly.
o Start and end times can be unlocked in the editor.
o Calendar and category selection is remembered only for new events/tasks.
o Moved the everyoneDeclinedDismissed check behind a setting.
o Alarm is not shown if the ACTION is set to NONE.
o Dismiss alarm menu item is also available in the calendar's context menu when there is a single event with alarm on the clicked day.
o Removed appindicator support since the legacy tray icon can be made to work on Ubuntu.
o Added "Default alarm time" advanced option.
o Dragging tasks when the list was scrolled did not work correctly.
o The today window was not shown if the "Hide list windows if there are no items" setting was enabled.


# lua52.dll (from b118) –> lua53.dll (from b148)

# Shadow4 Skin Version history:

1.15 - Added option to use a larger version of the windows.

1.14 - Added day bar windows.

1.13 - The skin windows can be resized.

1.12 - Opacity of the background can be adjusted.

1.11 - Added today window.

1.10 - New large calendar window (original version by Jorge Luis: http://fav.me/d380pky).

1.9 - Version update for combined widget addon.

1.8 - Added Swedish and Turkish languages.

1.7 - Moved some translations from the language pack to here.

1.6 - Added the week and day view windows.

1.5 - Added a grid calendar and horizontal and vertical line calendars.

1.4 - Added edit controls for the lists which can be used to create new events/tasks.

1.0 - Initial version.

另外,推薦中文化的網友 Evan.A.D.E 的部落格 Silver Star ,team. 裡面有提供其自製的”中華民國內政部行事曆 ICS 下載


5 則留言:

  1. 您好

    1. 根據作者的説法,授權適用於所有 2.xx.xxx 版,
      且短期內沒有開發 3.xx.xxx 版的計劃,

  2. 新的版本似乎已經沒辦法自訂每個視窗的長跟高了

    1. 雖然新的版本取消了 舊式 從設定中自訂每個視窗的高與寬
      但卻增加了(應該說改成) 可直接以滑鼠拖拉每個視窗的高與寬
      如果你將滑鼠移到視窗的最右邊或最下邊 就可以拖拉

  3. 網誌管理員已經移除這則留言。

